Sunday, May 27, 2012

Noel Caleb t-shirt competition

Hi friends! Here are two of my designs done for Noel Caleb's Tee shirt 
Competition based on the theme Singapore inspires me, the two were 
designed based on the idea of florals and nature, showing of the garden
 city Singapore is. Please do take some time to quickly vote for either one, 
or both of my designs ( why not right? haha) 

Here's how:
1. Like Noël Caleb facebook page (top of the page, click the "like"
box) at then
2. Like DELIA'S design.  
(no need to go into Photo Album pls, you should be able to see all the votes 
at the front page of our Noël Caleb fan page)

Would appreciate if you could help like it and spread the word too! Voting ends on the  23:59, 31 May 2012!

thank you!!!<333


Thursday, May 24, 2012

RGB Cover Girl- Sara Ho

The cover girl of RadGutsyBoundless aka RGB, Sara Ho.

She has always been an inspiration to me as a friend, someone who is unique in her own right, has her own special quirks, her own views and most importantly dresses for herself and who has an undeniable style of her own. So many thanks Sara, for your help in my project and also for the interview, do read up the full interview on

Thanks a billion and much apologies for the late upload <3


Friday, May 11, 2012

RGB DIY Look Book

So here's the second look book spread i did as part of my project 
Rad Gutsy Boundless, an online high street fashion and diy craft magazine. 
This look book features diy outfits where each outfit or 
accessories are actually self made, head over to the website 
under the diy tab to see how to recreate some of these 
looks yourself! Hope it inspires you to get creative and hope you will 
enjoy the posts!

Many thanks to my good friend and website guru and chilay twin and model.

Next post up tmr! <3


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Femmex & RGB Look book

A look book shoot i did as part of my project Rad Gutsy Boundless, 
an online high street fashion and diy craft magazine.

Many thanks to Femmex for the loan of clothes and model @hannahlee. 
